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 [TuT]How to put images, videos, etc in your posts!!!

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[TuT]How to put images, videos, etc in your posts!!! Empty
PostSubject: [TuT]How to put images, videos, etc in your posts!!!   [TuT]How to put images, videos, etc in your posts!!! EmptyFri Oct 15, 2010 7:32 pm

+ REP ME HERE IF THIS HELPED YOU! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Okay, so many of you maybe wondering how to put in images and or videos in your posts. ( signature, etc)
To put in a image, simply upload it to a website like www.photobucket.com or the such...
[TuT]How to put images, videos, etc in your posts!!! Untitled-15
After doing so view your image and copy the < (URL} *As showed above*
And PASTE it BETWEEN these tags [IMG][/IMG] so as example:
[TuT]How to put images, videos, etc in your posts!!! CrossedGuns
Now for VIDEOS. All you simply need to do is copy only part of the URL! so example:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se9rfWucgeY <(URL}
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= se9rfWucgeY
THIS > se9rfWucgeY is the only part you need to COPY and PASTE Between these TAGS[YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
Example of video!

You may also NOTICEI have been using different COLORS in this POST i do this to attract attention to the words... Now if you look here when you are posting
[TuT]How to put images, videos, etc in your posts!!! Untitled-16
1 = Text Size; 2= Text color; 3= Different Text

I Do hope this helped some of you!!! Enjoy.
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[TuT]How to put images, videos, etc in your posts!!!
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