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 Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.

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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyMon Oct 25, 2010 3:55 pm

Karmakazi - Someone who does something so wrong, it could potential ruin all their good Karma in the next life.

I think I did it, I think I lived up to the name. I should be reborn as a roach.

Why in the past few weeks Karmakazi has gone up in flames and been going to hell.
This is what happened in chronological order and full of my thoughts and opinions.

In the beginning, I never wanted to be leader.
I knew it meant dedication to the guild, devoting time and energy to it.
Being there constantly to resolve problems and issues. Helping out guild members.
And for the past three months, I did that.

I tried to make a guild full of fun, talkative, and active players because I knew there was noway I could make an Elitist faction because I'm not an end-game level player and it would be hypocritical if I did.

While all of this, I've had people in and out. I've asked some of them why did they leave.
Many answered because nobody ever helps except for a few, because they come in and say hi and nobody answers, and because there is only low levels and nobody that could help them.

About three weeks ago, around the ninth of October.
Karmakazi was beginning to look like a faction of considerable strength.
**Note the word considerable, it was only a faction that could be considered as a potential power.**

At this point I needed a break and I decided to start taking advantage of my errands to Miami to go to my cousins' house and have fun. To have a "life" for a change. I guess I shouldn't have done this.
Karmakazi began to lose members. Heres just a few of the top of the list.

NOTE: Levels upon leaving.
xxBeboxx (78): Why? Appearently, he just didnt like the guild and left without a word; he wanted to join some Elite faction.
AngelaRose (56): Why? Bebo's wife. I may have misspelled her name. She just followed him.
LexiaAnn (78): Why? Just following her friend Bebo.
SynthianGate (89): Why? He came in, came out. No big deal. Might have misspelled name.
Endel (74): Why? Came in, didnt like it, left.
Rip_Tide (67): Why? Came in, tested out the faction but did not like.
Napolian (72): Why? He came in, helped a bit, left to join an Elite faction. Understandable.
Dust_to_Dust (94) Why? A helpful cleric, although maybe for his own benefit. Has anger issues. Dont trust too much.
Dagorak (73): Why? Dust_to_Dust's alt bm.
SageAmitt (83): Why? Came in, offered help, nobody took his help, he left.
MrPhantomSin (62): Why? He was demoted, by me. He didnt wait for an answer and left. I had my reason.
Mizz_Cookie (63): Why? Almost nobody would help her and the guild almost never answered her "hi"s.
Smoochi (77): Why? She went inactive, then suddenly she logged in, resigned, and left.
Tsuki_K (80): Why? She has long planned to leave and join an Elite faction. And an uncomprehendable and unresolvable issue with a newer member, RainboWonder, led her to reign Director and leave faction faster.
RainboWonder (57): Why? Tsuki_K got into the faction with an alt, and due to the issue among her and Tsuki, she left and began her own faction.

I also soon realized that two other prominent members would be leaving soon.
KamakaziEdge (76) and KamaazkiSin (76)

So with so many of the higher level members leaving, I decided I'd "Close" the faction.
This would expel everyone active, I'd boot the rest of the inactives, and I'd have all my time to my personal leveling.
I was going to restart the faction when I was near level 100 and make it Elitist.
During the time I was trying my idea, alot of other members left. Some have come back.

Some members left and joined RainboWonder's faction.

But two days into my idea, guild members convince me to not let the faction close.
So I give DG_Cloe leadership. Her choice for Director was KamakaziEdge.
Im not too sure what happened during that one short day, but Karmakazi ended up losing.

xGothFairyx (71) Narotu (70) ___KIRA___ (39). Narotu's alt. and about 50 other members, mostly -20.

So I tried to get back lead from Cloe, she obliged.
So then came my idea on how to get back members that had been lost and alleviate me of the position of leader.
I considered handing RainboWonder leadership for a full merger of her guild into Karmakazi, thus getting back lost members and leaving Karmakazi with a good and competent leader that actually has experience and clear plan.
Hostility against this idea caused further losses.

Eventually there was nobody left to say no or yes. There was almost nobody active that spoke out.
I figured, why not just give it already, there's nobody here left anyways. And so I did.
Theres almost nothing left of the original Karmakazi members now anyways.

Trust me, if I had a time machine, I'd go back and not have done certain things and not have let all this happen. But its too late now.

Of course, I'm the biggest blame in all this.
But to be honest, its not all me. I would like to point fingers.
Including inactive officers and some disloyal too.
A faction of almost 100 who only 8 members cooperated with guild upgrades.
A faction of almost 200 whose activity was about 1/10 at best.
A faction full of members who did not respond or cooperate or help.

I want to apologize to everyone.
And especially DG_Cloe, you were right Cloe, you were right all along.
Akyros, because you've been an overly devoted member from the beginning and I ruined the guild for you.
Rainbow and Tsuki, for pointing you two out. ^^ Sorry.

It is the great tragedy of all guilds, factions, clans, unions. That ultimately they all die and fall apart.
So if there's any lesson to learn from all this, its dont get too attached to guilds.

Well...maybe now I'll go back to that other game I was playing before this and rejoin that clan I abandoned. lol!

Last edited by {KMK}Alha on Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyMon Oct 25, 2010 6:00 pm

Alha please do not blame urself you did the best you could. even though you didnt want the job.

Always, your friend Goth Smile
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyMon Oct 25, 2010 6:06 pm

damn man....didnt relize that much shit was going on for real...just thought it was lil scrabbles(sp) and just boredom and stress...but i do relize that must have been a shit ton of pressuer on you man..i know i wasnt to good at helping and wasnt to knowledgeable about the game and couldnt help much at all lol...but tried to be friendly atleast^^;; i want to appologize to you for stright up leaveing like i did but it was too much ...im not much of a man of dispute and what not...so i diped out ..but alha i think you should just kick it and take your time and do things when your ready and not just let folks pile things up on you and stress you out... you seem like a good man and you ran a amzing faction in my opion and ran it damn well...but we fucked it up for you and we all should be blamed ..and you shouldnt blame your self...till next time my friend you take it easy and enjoy the game brother
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyMon Oct 25, 2010 6:08 pm

I agree with kamuytripp a 100%
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyMon Oct 25, 2010 6:30 pm

Alha, I'm sorry. Its not your fault.
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyMon Oct 25, 2010 7:40 pm

Its not anyones fault...
People left cause of their reasons, let them leave.
Rain you have lied to me so many times... and yes you have lead me to leave.
Alha you are a cool leader, but its not anyones fault for those who think its someones fault BLAME TSUKI_K,
As i chose the destiny of this guild, some people contributed... but i fucked up, im sure you know how Alha.
If only we both said NO. If only we did bounce
I want to say thanks Alha for the help and all the fun times ,You are a great leader... dont blame yourself blame ME
I hope you have fun, we will keep in touch on msn if u leave pwi... ^_^
Invictia i say thanks to you too for the help and fun times...
Akyros cause i love him Very Happy

1 person who invited me.... " Invictia "
4 people who were the combination needed for FUN in this faction...
1 person fucked it all up...

Those 4 people who are The CORE of this faction back once i was lvl 20 in karmakazi, are...
Alha, Invictia, Akyros, Cersi
You guys are awesome, If only invictia, Cersi, and Akyros stayed, Everything would be awesome... Right Alha?
Smoochi, For her awesomeness, too bad she left without a word Sad
Theres always a begining and a end, but then starts a new begining...
This is THE new begining...

Love you <3
Akyros, Alha, Invictia, Gothfairy, Cloe, Left, Link, Cersi, Smoochie, TangyZangy, Zack, keeper, Aseth, PTSA...
You're the ones who made this a awesome and fun time for me...
cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyMon Oct 25, 2010 7:53 pm

Man...so depressing reading that but i guess whats done is done...I must say i had alot of fun with this guild's run following alha and playing with people like invi, Tsuki, PTSA and etc. but to be honest....from i heard that invi left i knew the guild would go straight to hell and i must say im partially to blame because i shud of been there in game to.....it sucks SOOOOOOOOO much to see karma die...which i can really say it has because its not the same anymore...*sigh* gl with everything cheers

Maybe things wouldnt of been so bad if we were still level 2 huh lol!
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyMon Oct 25, 2010 8:03 pm

Thanks Tsuki_K and Alah and everyone else for the awesome friendship. love you guys <3
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyMon Oct 25, 2010 8:55 pm

i'm totally clueless as to what has happened this recent month on pwi , but i hope everything works out for everyone . it was cool meeting you guys. maybe sometime in the future ill make my own "karmakaze"..devote it to the previous one. (and sorry i havent been on ,been spending time with my fiancé)

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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyMon Oct 25, 2010 9:03 pm

It has been fun guys! cheers
It was an awesome faction when i first started then many things happend over the past month if i could i would go back in time and fix what happend how we failed alha? But it was fun guys thanks! Smile
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyWed Oct 27, 2010 10:04 pm

*cough* pointless pointing of fingers *cough*

If anyone really cares, I'm working my tail off to get Alha back in lead of Karma. I may lose 6m coins, or, it may work. Til tomorrow, no one knows
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyThu Oct 28, 2010 2:28 am

I'll fix all of this Alha.....Dont worry it will all be fine. I'll get all of our original members back. Every single one of them. You have my promise. I dont care wat you all think of me after this but all i want to do i resurrect this dead faction from the pits of hell from hence it had decended to. I promise to you all i will give it my all to make this fac back into the one it was and always should be! I love every single one of you and my promise will be kept. I swear this on my own life. If i fail u I will never forgive myself....

Last edited by Chloe on Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyThu Oct 28, 2010 4:03 am

This was never your fault Alha. It was those of us who were unloyal to you and even challenged your own Leadership thinking they could do better when they have no idea what pressure your under everyday.

I dont even deserve to even be Leader of the fac, niether is anyone else for that matter.

I wish you could see how much we need you Alha.

Your our one and only Leader and i will follow you no matter where you go. I admire you Alha and your strong qualities of Life and Friendship. If people even dare challenge your Leadership know that i will always be there by your side to support you and make a stand for you.

The burden you were taking on as Leader was never ment to be carried alone. Thats why you have Director, Marshals and Executors. They are there to share the burden for you.

The only thing you have to do is find ones you trust. Never go for the ones that ask for the titles just because one of their friends has it. They wont know what that title really demands. Choose wizely Alha. And so you know, as long as im in the fac im happy, no matter what position i hold.

All i want is a fac with a good Leader who will, to me, always be Alha and people who will support each other nomatter what happens. And the people who arnt ready to commit themselves to someone as good as Alha should get their eyes checked cause they must be seeing something that aint there....

Good Luck Alha! Very Happy Razz
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyThu Oct 28, 2010 9:29 am

I already said what I was going to say.

Nobody is completely at fault in all this, nobody has 100% of the blame.
But I already, I know it, we all know it, that most of this is my fault.
Thats the truth.

And making Rain leader was not a big mistake.
I already explained why I made her lead, and did think about it.
Its up there, read it, in my plans. What WERE my plans.

I want everyone to just leave Rain alone.
Its not her fault people couldn't accept her as lead,
and actually, I let people go, I even booted people who would not accept that while I was still lead.

Do you all have to wait till Rain buys back Karma. Makes me leader of Karmakazi.
Just for me to have to tell you to...
Do ya'll?

I explained my decisions already, theres nothing more to explain.
Thats what I was thinking.

And I do believe I know what happened after Rain gave lead. I think...
And theres someone else that has betrayed me, been lying like hell, and even made a big profit of it all.
Someone else. Until I can get absolute proof, I wont say a name.
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyThu Oct 28, 2010 1:43 pm

Tusk,hun...where am i in that list :/ well,just for the new leader,i didnt got who is now,and for Alha too,dont make me an executor or marshal,if you will change it a 100 times...Wink *hugs* Wink
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyThu Oct 28, 2010 7:10 pm

Well, I mailed that chick 6m like she wanted last night. Here's hoping I didn't just dump a bunch of coins for nothing.......she hasn't been online all day.
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyThu Oct 28, 2010 8:05 pm

She got the mail. She gave me lead.

Thank you for what you've done Rain.

But I feel absolutely terrible about it.

I owe you, I owe you alot.
And you will be repaid.

As for my leadership position.
As much as I hate to have to stay and do this job, Im going to have to.
But I need a Director willing to manage the guild.

And again, everyone. Do not bother Rain. Do not harass her.

Now I need to go get drunk. Okay? I need a god damn drink.
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyThu Oct 28, 2010 11:42 pm

bothering me includes trying to secretly send me money. I dont want it. It will be returned. Dont waste the 500 coins that you use to send the letter.
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyFri Oct 29, 2010 2:30 pm

well none them knew bout that cos i just wanted to try to be nice to you but fuck it lol i fig since you spent however mil to get back and help fix up karma and help alha out id try to send you some back to help you out...but what ever man my bad ^^
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptyFri Oct 29, 2010 3:56 pm

it was a nice gesture, i just dont want anyone's money.
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptySat Oct 30, 2010 12:51 am

Wow lol. 6mill For lead... I quit pwi, just saying, moving on with life Very Happy
Tip: dont give the enemy what they want. The 6mill thing was almost like if someone were to keep hostages for cash, that person wouldn't do shit though... Theres always ways around things, and rain my "friend" you've just wasted 6mill Smile Gratz.

RainboWonder wrote:
*cough* pointless pointing of fingers *cough*

If anyone really cares, I'm working my tail off to get Alha back in lead of Karma. I may lose 6m coins, or, it may work. Til tomorrow, no one knows
Oh another thing... I dont see how your boyfriend deals with you rain,
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Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall.   Why it went to hell? Karma's downfall. EmptySat Oct 30, 2010 3:20 pm

I've never put a dime into this game, so what I have "wasted" is no more than pixels. I didn't waste it in my opinion, because it got me what I personally wanted: let the fucking hell alone.

As for how my boyfriend deals with me, well, you'd have to ask him. But, I gather, that he quite enjoys my company, because I'm capable of being mature and walking away from those that still wish act like they are 4 years old. Boogerhead....puh-lease.

So, with this, KARAMKAZE, I bid you all farewell. Enjoy your faction, enjoy you're recruits. Maybe you'll start screening them from now on, eh?

~Happiness comes from giving to others, and expecting nothing in return.
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