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 Espionage operations needs you!

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Espionage operations needs you! Empty
PostSubject: Espionage operations needs you!   Espionage operations needs you! EmptyThu Sep 09, 2010 9:31 pm

Espionage operations needs you! Eve_online_logo
Espionage Operations need you!
As our role we invade enemies and acquire information about other guilds who may be a threat... And if they are.. well they are on our KOS. Also as part of the EO, we need you to be willing to PK, and take intel from other guilds..
If you sign up and join us here is what you shall receive... 1,000 coins a week! (you might get raises), A cool user bar Espionage operations needs you! RevaSoulReaper And the right to wear the EO Tag.. Ex: {EO}BubbleGunz Now we will only pick a few people who meet the requirements...
This is the form i want you to put your application to join in...

In-game name:{WE NEED IT!}
Code Name: {Pick a code name}
Age:{Dont have to put it if u dont want to}
Willing to donate items?:{YES OR NO}
Time zone:{Your time zone..}
Time available per day: {Be realistic here...}
Short PARAGRAPH on why you want to join:

I will get back to you with a message via PM on what you need to do AS PART OF THE EO and also If you are hired or not..
Good luck
Espionage operations needs you! Eve_online_logo
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Join date : 2010-09-09

Espionage operations needs you! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espionage operations needs you!   Espionage operations needs you! EmptyThu Sep 09, 2010 10:59 pm

In-game name: Aquilae
Code Name: Pink
Age: Too young to be old, and too old to be young.
Willing to donate items?: Maybe
Time zone: PST
Time available per day: All day, but in and out of the game at times when I'm flying or resting hp/mp. And the days I'm on depends on my school and work days.
Short PARAGRAPH on why you want to join: Honestly I'm joining to help out Tsuki, and as far as my usefulness in PK, its pretty much null since I'm anyway first to die. I also really don't care about getting the benefits either, my main goal is to enjoy this game when I'm not at school or work. I'm actually good at getting intel because people tend to ignore me at times and actually forget that I'm even present. This often leads me to finding information they weren't meant to share.
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Posts : 19
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Join date : 2010-10-18
Age : 29
Location : Australia, QLD

Espionage operations needs you! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espionage operations needs you!   Espionage operations needs you! EmptyWed Oct 20, 2010 3:50 am

In-game name:DG_Cloe
Code Name: Cassie
Willing to donate items?:Depends
Time zone:GMT +10hours
Time available per day: bout 3 hours before school, all time after school and all the time on weekends.
Short PARAGRAPH on why you want to join: I want to join so i can help out with the fac more n spy on our enemies. I want to be a spy also cause its a dream ive had. This will also give me a great oppertunity to feel more useful in the fac so i can exert my skills. One skill that is pree good is that i can convince people in watever i want and i can seem like a completely diff person (so im good at acting xD). Pking is my specialty and i dont mind if i dont get payed or anything.
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Espionage operations needs you! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espionage operations needs you!   Espionage operations needs you! Empty

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