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 Tier 1, 2, & 3 Herbs.

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Tier 1, 2, & 3 Herbs. Empty
PostSubject: Tier 1, 2, & 3 Herbs.   Tier 1, 2, & 3 Herbs. EmptyFri Oct 01, 2010 12:21 am

Go to Wellspring Village.
That is along the River Origina and West of Archasaur.
There are 3 herbs fields there. A tier one, tier two, and tier three.

Leave Wellspring village and go to some flat brown hills directly to the East of it.
Scattered along these Hills you'll find tier 3 herbs. Green Berry, Serpentine Herb, ect.

Now, the tier two herbs such as Tuckahoe, Elderwood, and Crane Herb.
Go South S. West of the Brown Hills, you eventually see the water of the rivers.
Scattered slightly along two small hills you'll find these herbs.

The tier one herbs are a lil harder to locate.
Head North E. East. Thats about 23 degrees North if u were to make a line streching the length of the map.
Keep going until you see a water mill along the river, but dont go all the way. just stop about 50 yards from it and you should see the four tier one herbs.

You can then go back to the brown flat hills and wait about 2-4 minutes till the tier three herbs respawn.
Depending on how fast you went through them all. So basically, just run around in circles all day and you can collect a ton.
Make sure you leave lots of inventory space available.
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